It seems as though God has been trying to speak to me lately just how intimately connected he is with our lives. While this is not the place to debate predestination we must determine and set before us the goal to be about the Lords work. While that seems completely obvious its not as simple as it would appear on face value. Often I find that I am doing a work for God verses doing Gods work. When I do Gods work I am seeking His agenda for my life. The more I am seeking Gods agenda the less I will be concerned and waste time worrying about the events f this life; cars, computers, health, food, food, and housing.
When I relate this to the Adopt-A-People commitment we personally must determine that we are committed to seeking Gods goals for the church. This results in a desire not only for Our church but a focus that people, Gods chosen people, have yet to hear the Gospel, respond, fellowship together, and begin to evangelise there own.