Monday, August 05, 2024

Karl Barth on on Theology - Karl Barth

The Swiss Theologian Karl Barth was once asked, "What is the most profound thing you have learned in your study of Theology?"  His response, without blinking an eye was, "Jesus Love Me This I Know, For The Bible Tells Me So.  The student laughed until he saw that Barth was deadly serious. Barth's answer demonstrates two things, First, in the simplest Christian truth there abides a profound depth, that can occupy the minds of the most brilliant.  Second, that even in learned theological circles, we can never really rise above a child's level when it comes to understanding the mysterious depths and riches of the character of God.

No matter how learned we become, there will always be much about the nature of God that we cannot understand.

None of us can understand God in an exhaustive manner.  We are finite creatures and the finite cannot grasp the infinite. This key doctrine, that is the doctrine of God's incomprehensibility should not suggest that we can know nothing about God, but rather that God is beyond our human comprehension.  Our knowledge is limited and partial.

The Omnipotence Aspect

Gen. 17:1 

Psalm 115:3 

Romans 11:36 

Ep. 1:11 

Heb. 1:3

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