Sunday, July 10, 2022

Liberalism and the Word - "What THE BIBLE really TEACHES" -- Keith Ward

The time has come for me to set out what I think the Bible does say about itself, about the coming of Christ in glory, about who is saved and how, about Christ's saving death on the cross, about eternal life, and about the moral law. On all these matters, the fundamentalists seem to me, and to most Christians, to have it wrong. At the very best, they have just one highly debatable reading of what the Bible really teaches. It is not a very ancient one, and it is not one that most Christians accept. I still respect my fundamentalist friends, and am grateful to them for the vital experience of Christ to which they introduced me. But they do not, as they seem to assume, have privileged access to what the Bible really means. There are many other interpretations, more ancient and widespread than theirs. And on quite a few very important matters they seem just to have got it wrong. 

Keith Ward 

What the Bible Really Teaches SPCK 2004

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