Sunday, January 03, 2021

The mission Of God - Chris Wright

 This uneasiness stems from the persistent paradigm that mission is fundamentally something we do; and especially if we use the word 'mission' as more or less synonymous with evangelism.

The appropriateness of speaking of 'a missional basis of the Bible' becomes apparent only when we shift our paradigm of mission from our own human agency to the ultimate purposes of God himself,    for clearly the Bible is, in some sense, ' about God'. What, then, does it mean to talk of the mission of God?

it is not so much, as someone has said, that God has a mission for his church in the world, as that God has a church for his mission in the world. Mission is not just something we do (though it certainly includes that).

Truth with a Mission: towards a missiological hermeneutic of the Bible, Chris Wright Nov2001 ALL Nations.

1 comment:

  1. Mission is something we are, the church is Gods Mission or embassy to the world but how many people who attend church on a regular basis think that the goal of the church is to provide a retreat for them on sunday to live out a life that is the same of the rest of the world. How many "churches" embrace that they are Gods embassy to the world?


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