It's not the preparation for battle;
prayer is the battle.
‑Brother Andrew
How do you feel when the talks break down
How do you feel when the lines are broken
What do you say when love can't be found
What do you do when the truth's not said
What appeals to me
Can't appeal to everyone
What is real for me
Can't be real for everyone
How do you feel when the talks break down
What do you do when the door won't open
What do you say when love can't be found
How do you care when your heart grows cold
What it means to me
Is not the same For everyone
What is real for me
Can't be real for everyone
Still unforgiving, our eyes turn away
Holding us back, holding us back
What d you do when the talks break down
You against me, when it makes no sense
Stronger and harder we hold our ground
We've poised our trust now it's self defence
What it means to me
For one I can't be sure at all
I can see no difference
Between you and me at all
Life on the edge is a way of life here
Life on the edge
How do you feel when the talks break down
How do you feel when the lines are broken
What do you say when love can't be found
What do you do when the truth's not said
What appeals to me
Can't appeal to everyone
What is real for me
Can't be real for everyone
Still unforgiving, our eyes turn away
Holding us back, Holding us back
How do you feel when the talks break down
How do you feel when the lines are broken
What do you say when love can't be found
What do you do when the truth's not said
You don't change the world simply by looking at it. You change the world by the way you choose to live in it. Look up, the Sky's Open!
Felicity Jones as Amelia Wren The Aeronauts
Preaching the gospel requires us to show how Jesus Christ relates to every part of God's plan, and how every part of it relates to us who are savingly related to the living Christ through faith.
Evangelism involves explaining life in Christ as well as inviting sinners to Him. This means dealing with six main topics, as follows:
1. The Truth about God.
The one God who made and rules everything is revealed as three persons through His plan of salvation. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit love us, and work together to save us from sin and make us holy. Jesus Christ, God the Son incarnate, is Lord over all the powers of evil. Any other view of God is idolatry.
2. The Truth about Ourselves.
We were made for God, to bear His image and be like Him in moral character, but sin controls and spoils us so that we need to be brought back to God to be forgiven and remade. Jesus Christ, who brings us back, is Himself the model of true godliness. Any other view is deception.
3. The Story of God's Kingdom.
Step by step, as Scripture tells, God has been working to establish His kingdom in this fallen world. Jesus Christ is the King, and our lives are to be His kingdom. King Jesus is also the Judge, and those who have not bowed to His kingship here will not share His joy hereafter. Trusting, loving and honoring Jesus, and serving others for His sake, is true godliness at its heart. Any other form of religion is error.
4. The Way of Salvation.
Jesus Christ, our sin‑bearer on the cross, now from His throne reaches out to rescue us who are lost in the guilt and shame of sin. He calls for faith (trust in Him as Savior) and repentance (turn to Him as Master). He sends His Holy Spirit to change us inwardly so that we hear His call as addressed to us personally and respond wholeheartedly to it. Whereupon we are forgiven and accepted (justified); received as God's children (adopted); made to rejoice at our peace with Him (assurance); and made to realize that now we are living a new life in Christ (regeneration). Any other view of salvation is deficient.
5. The Life of Fellowship.
Christians belong in the church, the family of God, sharing its worship, work, witness and warfare, and enjoying its worldwide brotherhood in Christ. Any other view of the Christian is sectarian.
6. Walking Home to Heaven.
Helped by the ministry in the church of word and sacrament, prayer and pastoral care, spiritual gifts and loving support, Christians live in our constantly hostile world as travelers, heading for a glorious destination. Led and inspired by their Savior through the Holy Spirit, they seek to do all the good they can as they go, and to battle all forms of evil that they meet. Any lesser view of the Christian life is wordly.
For reflection and Consideration:
1. How completely am I preaching the Gospel?
2. Which of these six Gospel topics do I need to preach more fully than I have been preaching?
3. Am I including the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in my preaching?
4. Am I properly explaining the saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ?
This Amsterdam 2000 speech text is under copyright. The author has rights protected by
international law. This text is not for reprint or republication. The message actually delivered at
Amsterdam 2000 may have differed significantly from this text.
J.I. Packer
The Content of the Gospel
"I look upon this world as a wrecked vessel. God has given me a lifeboat and said to me, 'Moody, save all you can.'"
God will break you to position
This is your world, beginning to end
This is the price of heaven,—our hope,—this is the time
This is your life
The push and the pull, we give and we take, we rise and we fall, we bend and we brake the future is ours, the promise is true, this is your life
I’ve seen it before, I’ve seen it many times, an impossible task—cut down to size, we stand in the breach we fight at the front, this is your life
This is your Life
This is your world, beginning to end
This is the price of heaven, our hope, this is the time
This is your life
We’ve all grown up together,
It’s a shame we grow apart.
We’ve grown up together,
It’s a shame we grow apart.
This is your Life,
This is your world, beginning to end
This is the price of heaven, our hope, this is the time
This is your life
It’s a world without end,
It’s a stroll through the fire,
The journey that begins, on the length of the wire
We’re rarely at ease, the pressure is high
This is your life
And so it begins we reach for the stars
Lift up your voice, freedom is ours
The spirits alive, Oh what a ride
This is your life
This is your Life
This is your world, beginning to end
This is the price of heaven, our hope, this is the time
This is your life
This is your Life
This is your world, the struggle begins
This is the price of heaven, our hope, this is your chance
This is your life'
Author: Michael Been
When I relate this to the Adopt-A-People commitment we personally must determine that we are committed to seeking Gods goals for the church. This results in a desire not only for Our church but a focus that people, Gods chosen people, have yet to hear the Gospel, respond, fellowship together, and begin to evangelise there own.
There are generally three stages of this Phenomenon. called culture shock:
The honeymoon stage - where everything seems wonderful and new.
The critical stage - where you question why they can't just do things like you do in your own country you know the right way!
Readjustment - where you settle in and become more comfortable with the cultural differences.
“Not for me” said Peter; “I’m going to explore in the house.” Everyone agreed to this and that was how the adventures began. It was the sort of house that you never seem to come to the end of, and it was full of unexpected places. The first few doors they tried led only into spare bedrooms, as everyone had expected that they would; but soon they came to a very long room full of pictures and there they found a suit of armour; and after that was a room all hung with green, with a harp in one corner; and then came three steps down and five steps up, and then a kind of little upstairs hall and a door that led out on to a balcony, and then a whole series of rooms that led into each other and were lined with books —- most of them very old books and some bigger than a Bible in a church. And shortly after that they looked into a room that was quite empty except for one big wardrobe; the sort that has a looking-glass in the door. There was nothing else in the room at all except a dead blue-bottle on the window-sill.
Would this but be what had happened, but everyone failed to honor the people.
"We go to liberate not to conquer. We will not fly our flags in their country.
We are entering Iraq to free a people and the only flag which will be flown in that ancient land is their own. Show respect for them.
There are some who are alive at this moment who will not be alive shortly. Those who do not wish to go on that journey, we will not send.
As for the others I expect you to rock their world. Wipe them out if that is what they choose. But if you are ferocious in battle remember to be magnanimous in victory.
Iraq is steeped in history. It is the site of the Garden of Eden, of the Great Flood and the birthplace of Abraham. Tread lightly there.
You will see things that no man could pay to see and you will have to go a long way to find a more decent, generous and upright people than the Iraqis.
You will be embarrassed by their hospitality even though they have nothing.
Don't treat them as refugees for they are in their own country. Their children will be poor, in years to come they will know that the light of liberation in their lives was brought by you.
If there are casualties of war then remember that when they woke up and got dressed in the morning they did not plan to die this day.
Allow them dignity in death. Bury them properly and mark their graves."
Colonel Timothy Thomas Cyril Collins OBE[1] (born 30 April 1960)