Friday, February 25, 2022

Jim Svedja on Music, God and Life

when ultimately the whole thing is this baffling mystery that I understand less now than I did forty years ago. Forty years ago  I understood everything and understood exactly how it worked and who everyone was and now it's just this wonderful confusion. I know what notes working alongside other notes do and what they are supposed to do and who did it better than somebody else. 

But the core thing "you" is just so mysterious just can't talk about it. It's an irrational art. It's not rational, at all. At the heart of it, it's a mystery. 

I mean it's like God. It's not something fully knowable, because we are not there yet. 

This wonderful french lunatic composer Erik Satie who said, 'people kept telling me when I was young you'll understand, know that I am old I understand nothing, and it's wonderful!'

Jim Svejda @KUSC Between the notes

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