Saturday, September 02, 2006

The Triumphs of Mother Angelica

Love Bears Fruit An article In Crisis Magazine I thought this appropriate after my post on the TV in the modern era. ------- I watched Mother Angelica Probably all day sometimes, she said. ------- her life too a dramatic turn when she met up with a stigmatist named Rhoda wise who livd near the city dump. Wise led a doubting Rita in a novena to the Little Flower. At the end of the seven days of prayer, her stomach ailment disappeared. Wise became her tutor in Catholicism. The text for her lessons: Mary Agreda's The Mystical City of God. Thus, the future Mother Angelica informed her faith by reading private revelations, nourished it with novenas and chaplets, and found her inspiration in painted statues and holy cards(Icons or Idols). It's a style of Catholicism that, for all its seeming gaudiness, is resilient and imaginative(a DIY form of religion) [stigmatist - a person whose body is marked by religious stigmata (such as marks resembling the wounds of the crucified Christ)] ------- " I am convinced God is looking for dodoes," She once told Protestant Televangelist Jim Bakker. " He found one: In me! There are a lot of smart people out there who know it can't be done, so they don't do it. But a dodo doesn't know that it can't be done. God uses dodoes: people who are willing to look ridiculous so God can do the miraculous." ------- Hensel is a production assistant for EWTN, one person on a staff of 300. Forty percent of the employees are Protestant (maybe they mean non-catholic), 60 percent are Catholic. ------- Now, Mother Angelica's Monastery has moved off the Lot to a grand new Location an hour away in Hanceville, and she no longer visits the studio. But she's still present. You see her everywhere you go, gazing out from wall poster, smiling warmly from cards pinned to bulletin boards, sitting like a logo on the front of brochures and pamphlets. She's there in the names the staff have given their children. "Since December 2001 when she had her stroke, EWTN has had its largest single period of Growth, Warsaw told me. One of the secrets of EWTN's success is her constant prayers in front of the Blessed Sacrament(why does the location matter to the omnipresent God of Heaven) ------- Mother felt the Need to respond to the critics in her conversations with Arroyo. "I don't want to be conservative and I don't want to be liberal," she told him. " I want to be Catholic. Now if that off the liberals tough. If it offends the ultraconservatives, tough. I can't be influence by any of them. I want know what the Church teaches. ( here is the stark difference between a Catholic and a protestant. Protestants want to know what the Bible teaches, not the Church) ------- The listeners realized that Mother Loved them, Steltemeire said. they could see that Mother loves them. The power of the Lord's love compels us to do what God wants us to do. That's dynamite stuff. ------- You know what faith is? Faith is one foot on the ground, one foot in the air, and a queasy feeling the stomach. ------- "It's love that bears fruit." ------ I commend her humility and dedication, but neither are assurances of the her true spiritual condition. It is telling that she says that here early life was around rituals and Icons(many protestants would classify them as idols and by the way that many use them it seems a proper determination) The Novena to the Little Flower is to St. Teresa asking for her to intercede. This will be a larger topic later, but for now look at Romans 8:26. Asking anyone to intercede for us other than the God of Heaven is not to put our faith in Christ, but in something else altogether probably a demon. As God in the person of Christ could only pay for our sins only God can intercede for us with GOD anything else is idolatry. The unique aspect is that this TV ministry seems to be similar to its protestant brethren. Rather than teach, the essentials of Christian/Catholic belief they soft peddle these and focus on the mediocrity, a pleasing message, Oprah with a stronger religious overtone. They fool people into believing that they are having some religious experience, that by merely watching TV they can get close to God. This is no better than the Benny Hinn entertainment show, that said for people to put there hand on the TV receive healing (then to call and send the money). Benny Hinn might have been more blatant but no less pagan serving a different God than Jesus the Christ.

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